Preparing new perioperative nurses for the OR efficiently and according to evidence-based guidelines is turnkey with Periop 101: A Core Curriculum™. The program is designed for easy implementation but also can be customized according to your team’s specific needs.
Watch the video below to learn more about the benefits Periop 101 brings to your facility.
AORN understands how to make periop RN onboarding efficient, evidence-based, and effective. The program includes various tools and resources to make implementation and management a breeze:
A: Periop 101 includes access to the didactic course through the AORN Learning Center and includes the following for each role: Administrators (2 Seats) Preceptors Learners Periop 101 also includes printable handouts available within the Administrator Resources module and learner modules, Certificate of Achievement for administrator and learner courses, and Certificate of Completion for Preparing the Preceptor. A: There are two requirements to be a Periop 101 Administrator: A: Complete the form on this page to receive an ROI infographic exploring the financial impact of using Periop 101 as part of a surgical site infection (SSI) prevention strategy. What’s helpful is the structure of the program. It offers a blended learning environment. I can use videos to go along with the modules, discuss, then plan for some hands-on learning in the skills lab, practice on mannequins. I can have people come in and give lectures other than myself. The flexibility of the program as well as the structure is helpful. What I like is that they’re told about the ’why’ – why we do the things we do – and they have it as a resource. And if they need to review it, they have it as a reference that they can go back to. I love the idea that they’re already embedded in [AORN] with the Journal, they get the membership. So, they’re embraced by our specialty right from the gate…it sets them up for their CNOR certification as soon as they’re eligible. Contact AORN using the webform on this page to receive more information about Periop 101and to connect with a member of our Facility Solutions Team who is available to answer your questions and provide a live product demonstration. After completing the form, you will also receive an email with access to a Return on Investment Infographic showing the potential financial impact of using Periop 101 as part of an SSI mitigation strategy.Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is included in the Periop 101 course fee?
Q: What are the necessary requirements for the Periop 101 Administrator?
Q: How can I present a business case to support the costs associated with Periop 101 implementation?
Periop 101 Administrator Feedback
— Suzanne Ballin, BSN, RN, CNOR, Perioperative Clinical Development Specialist
— Mary E. Koch, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, CNOR, Administrative Director Perioperative Education Request More Information
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