Seeking the Best & Brightest:
Emerging Perioperative Leaders Under 40

Seeking Nominations

AORN President Elizabeth Pincus MSN, MBA, RN, ACNS-BC, CNS-CP, CNOR has formed a task force to identify and recognize members under 40 years old who are making their mark and taking a lead to strengthen our perioperative profession.
AORN will award and honor these Emerging Perioperative Leaders Under 40 at AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2024 in Nashville, Tenn. and look to them as advisors to the association as we develop resources and programs that support perioperative professionals.

Nominate yourself or another emerging leader in the perioperative field who has made a professional impact across all five of these categories:

  • Teamwork, Communication, Collaboration & Equity
  • Mentorship/Preceptorship (national, community and/or your organization)
  • Involvement/Governance/Volunteerism
  • Change or Innovation Activity
  • Advancing Your Education (certificate, certification)
Nominations are due by midnight November 30, 2023. Applications require uploading the nominee’s CV and a written personal statement about how the nominee has made a difference in each category, as well as a letter of recommendation from someone familiar with the nominee’s accomplishments.
Leaders Under 40 Award Submission

Why It Matters

Hear from a past honoree about why this recognition makes a difference.
“I still swell with pride from the memory of being selected as an award recipient! As a 30-something nurse leader, I remember working so hard to be an AORN advocate to keep our patients safe, and it was sometimes difficult when I felt like I didn't have the street cred of 20+ years of experience under my belt. But, what I did have were the AORN Guidelines to guide me. I armed myself with tools and resources from AORN, and I was super excited to be recognized as an up-and-coming leader through this program. It was an affirmation that I was doing something right, and to keep on that path!”

Why It Matters
Hear from past honorees about why this recognition makes a difference.
“I still swell with pride from the memory of being selected as a ‘40 under 40’ award recipient! As a 30-something nurse leader, I remember working so hard to be an AORN advocate to keep our patients safe, and it was sometimes difficult when I felt like I didn't have the street cred of 20+ years of experience under my belt. But, what I did have were the AORN Guidelines to guide me. I armed myself with tools and resources from AORN, and I was super excited to be recognized as an up-and-coming leader through this program. It was an affirmation that I was doing something right, and to keep on that path!”

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Joanna C.

"Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio!"

Stanley T.

"Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi."

Danielle W.

"Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis!"